CFP: History of Southeast Europe

Deadline: June 30 and November 30, 2024

For the two upcoming issues (Volume 83 and Volume 84), Southeast Research invites submissions from all areas of the history of Southeast Europe. The submission deadline for Volume 83 is June 30, 2024 , and for Volume 84, November 30, 2024 .

Südost-Forschungen is one of the oldest periodical publications on the history of Southeast Europe. Its first volume appeared in 1936; since then, the journal, which is published as a yearbook, has developed into one of the leading publications for German and international research on the history of Southeast Europe. For the coming year, Südost-Forschungen plans to switch from one yearbook to two issues per year.

Southeast Research is committed to a broad and interdisciplinary understanding of history and publishes on topics ranging from political issues to cultural, linguistic and art history, economic and social history, historical geography and religious history. The journal strives to cover the history of the region from the Byzantine era to contemporary history. Part of the journal’s mission is to present research in the region to an international audience and thus serve as a platform for excellent regional scholarship. This objective is also reflected in the extensive review section, in which numerous works in the languages of the region are discussed.

Articles submitted to Südost-Forschungen are subjected to a double-blind review process with two peer reviews after preliminary review by the editorial team. The journal accepts manuscripts in German, English and French. While most research articles are stand-alone contributions, the journal also invites submissions for a focus section, which usually consists of three to four research articles linked by an overarching theme.

The maximum length of contributions is 90,000 characters (including notes). In addition to research articles, the journal accepts detailed review articles and reflections on current research trends and the historiography of the region (in the section “From Southeastern Europe Research”). Occasionally, the journal publishes edited sources and commentaries.

If you have any questions or would like to submit a manuscript, please contact Dr. Peter Mario Kreuter . The journal is happy to provide (potential) authors with early feedback.

Further information about the journal and the submission guidelines can be found at: .

Author: Aisseco

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