1917-2017 – Mondes russe, caucasien, centre-asiatique et centre-européen : sources et méthodes

1917-2017 – Mondes russe, caucasien, centre-asiatique et centre-européen : sources et méthodes

Programme du séminaire 1917-2017 – Mondes russe, caucasien, centre-asiatique et centre-européen : sources et méthodes 7 novembre 2016/19 juin 2017 · Alain Blum, directeur d’études de l’EHESS (CERCEC), directeur de recherche à l’INED · Juliette Cadiot, maître de conférences de l’EHESS ( CERCEC ) · Isabelle Ohayon, chargée de recherche au CNRS ( CERCEC ) Lundi de 17 h à 19 h (salle 2, 105 bd Raspail 75006...

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La fine del comunismo in Europa. Regimi e dissidenze, 1956-1989,

La fine del comunismo in Europa. Regimi e dissidenze, 1956-1989,

 Tito Forcellese, Giovanni Franchi, Antonio Macchia (a cura di) La fine del comunismo in Europa. Regimi e dissidenze, 1956-1989   Il totalitarismo comunista dell’Europa dell’est, il suo lento ma inesorabile declino nella seconda metà del novecento e la cultura delle opposizioni interne a questi regimi sono l’oggetto d’analisi del presente volume. Per affrontare tematiche così ampie e complesse il volume si è avvalso dell’apporto...

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HUNGARY 1956 – 2016 – REVERBERATIONS OF A REVOLUTION” OCT. 2016, EDMONTON Interdisciplinary conference: Hungary 1956 – 2016 – Reverberations of a Revolution Deadline for abstracts: May 1st, 2016 60 years ago a student demonstration in pursuit of liberty and democratic reforms in Hungary started a chain of events that turned into a nationwide revolt against the Soviet policies and control embodied in the government of the...

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CfP: 1956, Resistance and Cultural Opposition in East Central Europe

CfP: 1956, Resistance and Cultural Opposition in East Central Europe

1956, Resistance and Cultural Opposition in East Central Europe The Hungarian Historical Review Deadline for the submission of abstracts: January 15, 2016. Since 1989, former socialist countries have been in the process of constructing and negotiating their relationships with their recent past, which includes their stories of resistance, revolts and cultural opposition. Opposition is typically understood in a narrow sense as referring...

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Il 1956 ungherese

Il 1956 ungherese

Il 1956 ungherese Momenti e figure Università degli Studi di Milano, giovedì 22 ottobre ore 11 Aula Crociera Alta di Giurisprudenza, Via Festa del Perdono 7 Ne parleranno Federigo Argentieri (John Cabot University) Dario Fertilio (Scrittore e giornalista) Giulia Lami (Università di Milano) Francesco Leoncini (Università di Venezia) Roberto Ruspanti (Università di Udine, Direttore CISUECO) Verrà presentato il libro di Don Romano...

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