Labor in State-Socialist Europe

Labor in State-Socialist Europe

Marta Siefert Labor in State-Socialist Europe, 1945–1989. Contributions to a History of Work (CEU Press, 2020).   Labor regimes under communism in East-Central Europe were complex, shifting, and ambiguous. This collection of sixteen essays offers new conceptual and empirical ways to understand their history from the end of World War II to 1989, and to think about how their experiences relate to debates about labor history, both...

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Rampart Nations

Rampart Nations

Liliya Berezhnaya and Heidi Hein-Kircher Bulwark Myths of East European Multiconfessional Societies in the Age of Nationalism Edited by Liliya Berezhnaya and Heidi Hein-Kircher Description The “bulwark” or antemurale myth—whereby a region is imagined as a defensive barrier against a dangerous Other—has been a persistent strand in the development of Eastern European nationalisms. While historical studies of the topic have typically...

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Eastern Europe in Icelandic Sagas

Eastern Europe in Icelandic Sagas

Tatjana N. Jackson Description Based on the material of the Old Norse Icelandic sources written down in the twelfth to fourteenth centuries, this book demonstrates how medieval Scandinavians imagined Eastern Europe. It reconstructs the system of medieval Scandinavian perception of space in general, and the eastern part of the oecumene in particular. It also examines the unique Old Norse sources, of which the Russian chronicles were...

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CfP: Thirty Years After – Post Communism, Democracy and Illiberalism in Central and Eastern Europe

CfP: Thirty Years After – Post Communism, Democracy and Illiberalism in Central and Eastern Europe

Deadline 25 giugno 2019 Thirty Years After – Post Communism, Democracy and Illiberalism in Central and Eastern Europe International Conference Faculty of History – University of Bucharest 09 – 11 October 2019 Thirty years after the fall of communism in Central and Eastern Europe will be marked by the international, multidisciplinary conference called Thirty Years After – Post Communism, Democracy and Illiberalism in Central and...

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CfP: From West to East: Metamorphoses of Discourses in Europe

CfP: From West to East: Metamorphoses of Discourses in Europe

Deadline 30 aprile 2019 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Bucharest, 24 & 25 October 2019 From West to East: Metamorphoses of Discourses in Europe This event is organized under the aegis of the Observatory on Discourses and Counter-Discourses related to the European Construction (France) and is supported by The Regional Francophone Centre of Advances Research in Social Sciences (CEREFREA) in Bucharest. In a European context marked by the...

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