CfP: 1918 and the Remaking of Central-Eastern Europe

CfP: 1918 and the Remaking of Central-Eastern Europe

deadline: 15 luglio 2018 1918 and the Remaking of Central-Eastern Europe International Conference Faculty of History – University of Bucharest 22-24 November 2018 Continuing its series of events dedicated to the Centenary of the World War I, the Faculty of History from the University of Bucharest in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and their network of partners are pleased to announce the international...

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Official History in Eastern Europe. Transregional Perspectives

Official History in Eastern Europe. Transregional Perspectives

13–14 June 2018 German Historical Institute Warsaw International Conference organised by German Historical Institute Warsaw, University of Geneva Forum Transregionale Studien, Berlin In cooperation with German Embassy Warsaw, Swiss Embassy Warsaw, German-Ukrainian Historical Commission Supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation Our conference strives to re-think and enlarge the scope of ‘memory studies’, and to propose new...

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Histories (Un)Spoken

Histories (Un)Spoken

Cosmin Budeanca, Dalia Báthory (eds.), Histories (Un)Spoken. Strategies of Survival and Social-Professional Integration in Political Prisoners’ Families in Communist Central and Eastern Europe in the ’50s and ’60s Reihe: Studien zur Geschichte, Kultur und Gesellschaft Südosteuropas Bd. 17, 2018, 400 S., 49.90 EUR, 49.90 CHF, br., ISBN 978-3-643-90983-1 This book contains analyses and case studies regarding the former political...

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séminaire “Laboratoire de l’Europe centrale et orientale”, consacrée à l’histoire de la culture visuelle

séminaire “Laboratoire de l’Europe centrale et orientale”, consacrée à l’histoire de la culture visuelle

3 mai 2018 : Séance 7 : Une vision mobile de l’immobile : l’image à l’Est Les sources visuelles font désormais partie du « bagage » du chercheur en sciences sociales. En Europe centrale et orientale, il existe pour la période contemporaine des corpus d’images encore peu connus et quelquefois mal classés. Pour autant, peut-on en conclure que l’image demeure une source inexploitée ? Intervenants : Roman Krakovsky (CERCEC, EHESS,...

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The Future of the Past

The Future of the Past

Serhii Plokhy Ukraine is in the midst of the worst international crisis in East-West relations since the Cold War, and history itself has become a battleground in Russia-Ukraine relations. Can history and historical narratives be blamed for what has happened in the region, or can they show the path to peace and reconciliation, helping to integrate the history of the region in the broader European context? The essays collected here...

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