Local Dimensions of the Second World War in Southeastern Europe

Local Dimensions of the Second World War in Southeastern Europe

Xavier Bougarel, Hannes Grandits, Marija Vulesica (eds.) Local Dimensions of the Second World War in Southeastern Europe (Routledge, 2019). This book deals with the Second World War in Southeastern Europe from the perspective of conditions on the ground during the conflict. The focus is on the reshaping of ethnic and religious groups in wartime, on the “top-down” and “bottom-up” dynamics of mass violence, and...

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German-occupied Europe in the Second World War

German-occupied Europe in the Second World War

Raffael Scheck, Fabien Théofilakis, Julia Torrie German-occupied Europe in the Second World War (Routledge, 2019). Inspired by recent works on Nazi empire, this book provides a framework to guide occupation research with a broad comparative angle focusing on human interactions. Overcoming national compartmentalization, it examines Nazi occupations with attention to relations between occupiers and local populations and differences...

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Battling over the Balkans

Battling over the Balkans

John Lampe & Constantin Iordachi (eds.). Battling over the Balkans. Historiographical Questions and Controversies (CEU Press, 2020). The tumultuous history of the Balkans has been subject to a plethora of conflicting interpretations, both local and external. In an attempt to help overcome the stereotypes that still pervade Balkan history, Battling over the Balkans concentrates on a set of five principal controversies from the...

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The second world war in historiography and public debate

The second world war in historiography and public debate

THE SECOND WORLD WAR IN HISTORIOGRAPHY AND PUBLIC DEBATE Sabine Rutar: The Second World War in Southeastern Europe. Historiogra-phies and Debates 195-220 Milan Ristović: The German Occupation Regimes in Southeastern Europe as a Research Problem in Yugoslav and Serbian Historiography 221-238 Paolo Fonzi: Beyond the Myth of the ‘Good Italian’. Recent Trends in the Study of the Italian Occupation of Southeastern Europe during the Second...

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CfA: War and Society: Making and Experiencing War (and Peace) in 19th-21st-century Eastern/ Central Europe and Eurasia

CfA: War and Society: Making and Experiencing War (and Peace) in 19th-21st-century Eastern/ Central Europe and Eurasia

Deadline 9 aprile 2019 Call for applications for the Tenth International Social Science Summer School in Ukraine, Kherson, June 30 – July 6, 2019 A joint project of the Chair of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Ottawa (Canada), the Institut des Sciences Sociales du Politique (France), The Center for Slavic History at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne (France), the LabEx “Writing a new History of Europe” (France). The...

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