

Béata Cieszyńka e  José Eduardo Franco Holodomor — A desconhecida tragédia ucraniana (1932-1933) People’s history is marked by relations of dominion and subjugation, of empire and submission. In this historical process, how many experiences of untold massacres in the name of violence on each other, in the name of affirmation of a ruling power or of an ideology of dominance. […]” With these opening words, spoken by José Eduardo Franco...

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Presentazione libro

The Holy See and the Holodomor: Documents from the Vatican Secret Archives on the Great Famine of 1932-1933 in Soviet Ukraine A cura del Reverendo Dr. Athanasius McVay and del Professor Lubomyr Luciuk Centro Russia Ecumenica (Borgo Pio 141, Roma) Mercoledì 26 ottobre 2011, ore 17,30 Sarà servito un rinfresco e copie del libro saranno disponibili per l’acquisto Per maggiori informazioni si prega contattare...

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