Conférences de Eric Lohr

Conférences de Eric Lohr

Eric Lohr, Professor and Susan Carmel Lehrman Chair of Russian History and Culture à l’American University, Washington, est à Paris du 15 mai au 15 juin. Spécialiste reconnu de la première guerre mondiale dans l’empire de Russie, il a publié plusieurs articles et ouvrages sur le sujet et a récemment travaillé sur la citoyenneté russe de l’empire de Russie à l’URSS, Il donnera trois conférences: La première...

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The Dimensions of Hegemony

The Dimensions of Hegemony

Craig Brandist The Dimensions of Hegemony Language, Culture and Politics in Revolutionary Russia Though generally associated with the Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci, the idea of hegemony had a crucial history in revolutionary Russia where it was used to conceptualize the dynamics of political and cultural leadership. Drawing on extensive archival research, this study considers the cultural dimensions of hegemony, with particular...

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Russian America

Russian America

Ilya Vinkovetsky Russian America An Overseas Colony of a Continental Empire, 1804-1867 From 1741 until Alaska was sold to the United States in 1867, the Russian empire claimed territory and peoples in North America. In this book, Ilya Vinkovetsky examines how Russia governed its only overseas colony, illustrating how the colony fit into and diverged from the structures developed in the otherwise contiguous Russian empire. Russian...

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CfP: European Innovations, Norms and Models in the Russian Empire

CfP: European Innovations, Norms and Models in the Russian Empire

European Innovations, Norms and Models in the Russian Empire deadline: April 10, 2014 Research Center for Slavic History, University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne (France) and Laboratory of Primary Sources Research , Ural Federal University (Russia) in partnership with Lyon Ecole Normale Supérieure (France) invite paper proposals for the conference European Innovations, Norms and Models in the Russian Empire in the 18th – early 20th...

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Russians, Jews, and the Pogroms of 1881–1882

Russians, Jews, and the Pogroms of 1881–1882

John Doyle Klier Russians, Jews, and the Pogroms of 1881–1882 Anti-Jewish pogroms rocked the Russian Empire in 1881–2, plunging both the Jewish community and the imperial authorities into crisis. Focusing on a wide range of responses to the pogroms, this book offers the most comprehensive, balanced, and complex study of the crisis to date. It presents a nuanced account of the diversity of Jewish political reactions and introduces a...

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